Searching for a JS MV* solution
I’m finally getting down to implementing a small-to-medium size project that’s been rolling around in my head for awhile now, and it’s going to invole some wholesome frontend work – HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Now I’ve done all that before, but one of the things I wanted to do differently this time around was have a better approach to model-view separation. HTML doesn’t naturally promote this separation, leading me to perform jQuery selector gymnastics in the past in order to deduce things about my model. Instead of simply calling length
on an array in Javascript, I must count the number of li
children of a ul
or ol
Fuck that noise. MVC has been around forever, and it’s used all over in mobile programming and server-side frontend programming. The app I want to build is simple enough that I only really need one-way data binding, meaning I may update the model directly and the views should update in turn. I don’t even need two-way data binding, meaning the view accepts input (more specifically, the input
elements on the page do) that in turn updates the model. Surely something simple out there fulfills my needs.
Searching around for a solution first led me to Backbone.js, which I’ve tried to pick up many times before and have never gotten anywhere with. I think my problem with Backbone is the way its documentation is organized – it’s just a laundry list of modules and methods, as opposed to having any sort of narrative, explaining each problem and its solution in turn. (The documentation format works well for Underscore.js, however, since it is just a collection of utility methods.)
More searching led me to this blog post and a handful of Stack Overflow posts on the subject. One of those posts then led me to another blog post, which convinced me that I should be looking at Backbone.js, Ember, Knockout, and AngularJS. Now I’d already given up on Backbone. I decided to take a look at Knockout, because one Stack Overflow post in particular called out its simplicity if you only need two-way data bindings.
In addition to looking at Knockout, I also wanted to look at either Ember or AngularJS. Both are “opinionated” and include everything you need to build an ambitious web application, which mine was not. The primary author of Ember is Yehuda Katz, who is a member of the Ruby on Rails core team, and so Ember works especially well with a RESTful, Ruby backend, while mine will not be. Several others praised AngularJS uncaring approach to your backend is like, and also its use of dependency injection to promote testability, and so I decided to also give it a look.
In the end I decided to go with KnockoutJS because it is small, understandable, and provides little more than what I need. While AngularJS provides much more functionality, and is a little overwhelming at times, it definitely left a good impression on me. I could hardly believe that the authors of AngularJS worked for the same company that is trying to convince everyone that Dart is a good idea.
Below I’ve included the notes I took while researching both frameworks. They are probably useless without any context, but may prove helpful while reading the documentation. Enjoy.
Built around three features:
- Observables and dependency tracking
- Declarative bindings
- Templating
Creating view models with observables
MVVM (Model-View-View Model) architecture:
- Model is the data on the server-side, totally independent of any concept of a view.
- View Model is that data on the client-side, and has methods for manipulating that data which the view can call.
- View is the HTML.
A view model without any observables:
var myViewModel = {
personName: 'Bob',
personAge: 123
A view model with observables:
var myViewModel = {
personName: ko.observable('Bob'),
personAge: ko.observable(123)
To get:
To set:
To populate HTML with observables, use the data-bind
Using computed observables
Observables can have computed, or derived, values:
function AppViewModel() {
this.firstName = ko.observable('Bob');
this.lastName = ko.observable('Smith');
this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
}, this);
Note that this
is passed in as a last parameter; this binds the AppViewModel
to this
in the provided function
. A common idiom is to use self
function AppViewModel() {
var self = this;
this.firstName = ko.observable('Bob');
this.lastName = ko.observable('Smith');
this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
return self.firstName() + " " + self.lastName();
Working with observable arrays
An observableArray
tracks which objects are in the array, not the state of those objects. Simply putting an object into an observableArray
doesn’t make all of that object’s properties themselves observable.
You can get the underlying JavaScript array by invoking the observableArray
as a function with no parameters, just like any other observable. But observableArray
has equivalent functions to those of the underlying array, and for functions that modify the contents of the array (such as push
and splice
), the dependency tracking mechanism notifies all registered listeners of the change so that your UI is automatically updated.
The foreach
Bindings within the foreach
block can refer to properties on the array entries. To refer to the array entry itself, and not just one of its properties, use the special context property $data
If there isn’t an element on which you can put a foreach
, if
, ifnot
, or with
binding, you can use the containerless control flow syntax, which is based on comment tags.
When using foreach
, the afterAdd
callback is invoked when new entries are added. You can have it call jQuery’s $(domNode).fadeIn()
to animate the transition. The beforeRemove
callback is invoked when an array item has been removed, but before the corresponding DOM nodes have been removed. You can have it call jQuery’s $(domNode).fadeOut()
to animate the transition. Because Knockout cannot know how soon it is allowed to physically remove the DOM nodes, if you specify a beforeRemove
callback, then it is your responsibility to remove the DOM nodes.
The if
The if
binding physically adds or removes the contained marking in your DOM and only applies bindings to descendants if the expression is true
. The visible
binding just uses CSS to toggle the container element’s visiblity
. The contained markup always remains in the DOM, and always has its data-bind
attributes applied.
The with
The with
binding will dynamically add or remove descendant elements depending on whether the associated value is null
or not.
The template
Named template markup is wrapped in <script type="text/html">
. The type
attribute is necessary to ensure that the markup is not executed as JavaScript, and Knockout does not attempt to apply bindings to that markup except when it is being used as a template.
Using the foreach
binding with a named template gives the same result as embedding an anonymous template directly inside the element to which you use foreach
If you have multiple named templates, the name
option can specify a callback function to determine which one of them is used. If using the foreach
template mode, Knockout will evaluate the function for each item in your array, passing that item’s value as the only argument. Otherwise, the function will be given the data
option’s value or fall back to providing your whole current model object.
Loading and saving JSON data
- The
method clones your view model’s object graph, substituting each observable with its current value, so the returned object has no Knockout-related artifacts. - The
method converts the returned value fromko.toJS
to a JSON string.
To have a live representation of your view model data for debugging, use:
<pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($root, null, 2)"></pre>;
Unobtrusive event handling
Anonymous functions were typically the recommended techinique to pass arguments to data-bind
attributes, which leads to verbosity. Instead, event handlers can be attached unobtrusively by using jQuery’s on
method and the following Knockout helper functions:
returns the data that was available for binding against the element.ko.contextFor(element)
returns the entire binding context that was available to the DOM element.
Developer guide
The following are notes from
Angular features separation of data, application logic, and presentation components; data binding between data and presentation components; dependency injection; an extensible HTML compiler written in Javascript, and ease of testing.
Angular is designed primarily for developing single-page apps, and supports browser history, forward and back buttons, and bookmarking for them.
Angular teaches the browser new syntax through a construct we call directives, such as data binding with {{expression}}
, DOM control structures, and grouping HTML into reusable components.
Angular is opinionated about how a CRUD application should be built; it has a seed application with directory layout and test scripts as a starting point.
Angular initializes upon the DOMContentLoaded
event, at which point it compiles the DOM, treating the ng-app
directive as the root of the compilation.
HTML compiler
Angular’s HTML compiler allows you to attach behavior to any HTML element or create new HTML elements or attributes with custom behavior. These behavior extensions are called directives.
The compilation phase collects all the directives; linking combines the directives with a scope to produce a live view.
Many templating systems perform one-way data binding, consuming data and a template in string form, producing a new string that is assigned to an element’s innerHTML
. Angular consumes the DOM with directives and produces a linking function, which combined with the scope produces a live view.
Conceptual overview
The view is a projection of the scope onto the template, or HTML. The scope is the glue which marshals the model to the view and forwards the events to the controller.
In Angular, the template is the HTML, not HTML with template embedded. The DOM rendered by the browser is passed into the Angular’s compiler, which sets up watches on the model.
There is only one injector per application. If an object does not exist in its cache, the injector asks the instance factory to create a new one. A module is a way to configure the injector’s instance factory, known as a provider.
Calling the invoke
method on an injector and passing a method causes the injector to call that method with arguments derived from their names.
Directives can use either the characters :
, -
, or _
, and can optionally be prefixed with x-
or data-
to make it HTML validator compliant.
The $compile
method produces a linking function for each directive in the DOM, and returns them all in a combined linking function. Linking this with scope
calls the individual linking functions, allowing them to register any listeners and set up any watches with the scope
Evaluation of all properties takes place against a scope. To refer to the window
object, Angular expressions must use $window
Expressions cannot contain control flow statements. If you need a conditional, loop, or to throw from a view expression, delegate to a Javascript method instead.
Angular augments existing objects with additional behavior, and prefixes its additions with $
to avoid collisions.
Breakup your application into multiple modules: a service module (for service declaration), a directive module (for directive declaration), a filter module (for filter declaration), and an application-level module which has initialization code.
A module is a collection of configuration and run blocks. Configuration blocks get executed during the provider registrations and configuration phase, and only providers and constants can be injected into them. Run blocks get executed after the injector is created, and only instances and constants can be injected into them.
Modules simply manage the $injector
configuration, and have nothing to do with the loading of scripts into a VM.
Typically an app has only one injector, but when unit testing, each test has its own injector.
Both controllers and directives have reference to the scope, but not to each other. This isolates the controller form directives and the DOM.
When new scopes are created, they are added as children of their parent scope, thereby creating a tree structure that parallels the DOM where they’re attached and uses prototypical inheritance.
Angular automatically adds the ng-scope
class on elements where scopes are attached.
Scopes are attached to the DOM with the $scope
data property, and the root scope is attached to the element with the ng-app
Scopes can propagate events like the DOM does; broadcast
will propagate to children, while emit
will propagate to parents.
For scope mutations to be properly observed, you should make them only within the scope.$apply()
, which Angular APIs do implicitly.
Observing directives like {{expression}}
register listeners using the $watch()
method. Listener directives such as ng-click
register a listener with the DOM; when that listener fires, it executes the associated expression and updates the view using the $apply()
Dependency injection
By having ng-controller
instantiate a controller class, it can satisfy all its dependencies without the controller ever knowing about the injector.
Factory methods used by an injector return services, which are then injected into controllers.
The recommended way of declaring controllers with DI is:
var MyController = function(dep1, dep2) {
MyController.$inject = ['dep1', 'dep2'];
MyController.prototype.aMethod = function() {
The following are notes from
Step 0: Bootstrapping
Angular uses name-with-dashes
for attribute names and camelCase
for the corresponding directive name.
During the app bootstrap phase, the injector creates the root scope that becomes the context for the application’s model, and then compiles the DOM starting at the ngApp
root element, processing directives and bindings found along the way.
Step 2: Angular templates
The value for the ng-controller
attribute names a function; expressions in the template refer to the properties of the $scope
argument passed into this function.
The controller scope is a prototypical descendant of the root scope created when the application was bootstrapped.
Step 3: Filtering repeaters
A filter function applies its filter-by argument against child properties of the expression being filtered.
The ngBind
or ngBindTemplate
directives are invisible to the user while a page is loading.
A pause()
statement in the end-to-end test lets you explore the state of the application while displayed in the browser.
Step 4: Two-way data binding
If a select
element is bound to a missing property in the model using directive ngModel
, then Angular will temporarily add a new “Unknown” option.
Step 5: XHRs and dependency injection
To use a service in Angular, declare the names of the dependencies you need as arguments to the controller’s constructor function.
Don’t use a $
prefix when naming your services and models in order to avoid collisions.
The dependency injector cannot infer dependencies correctly if you minify your Javascript code; to fix this, explicitly assign service identifier strings to the constructor’s $inject
The mock $httpBackend
service will only resolve its returned promises, or return a response, when its flush
method is called.
Step 6: Templating links & images
The ngSrc
directive prevents the browser from treating the Angular expression as literal markup and issuing a request to an invalid URL.
Step 7: Routing & multiple views
The injector loads module definitions, registers all service providers in those modules, and when asked to inject a function with a service, creates one from its provider.
To configure your application with routes, you must create a module for your application.
The ngView
directive includes the view template, or partial template, for the current route into the layout template.
Step 9: Filters
To create a new filter, you must create a new module and register your custom filter with the module.
Step 11: REST and custom services
The factory
method of the module API registers a custom service using a factory function.
The $resource
service is easier to use than $http
for interacting with data sources exposed as RESTful resources.
A service may look like it returns results synchronously, but instead a future is synchronously returned that the XHR response fills with data.
The toEqualData
Jasmine matcher compares two objects, but takes only object properties into account and ignores methods.