Disqus and Jekyll on localhost

29 Aug 2013

I recently added Disqus comments to every blog post by adding its universal code to the bottom of the Jekyll file _layout/post.html. Upon logging into Disqus, however, I noticed that many discussion URLs began with http://localhost:4000/, such as http://localhost:4000/2013/08/28/additional-android-resource-types/. Other discussion URLs had the same path but began with http://omgitsmgp.com/, such as http://omgitsmgp.com/2013/08/28/additional-android-resource-types/.

Discussion URLs beginning with http://localhost:4000/ were created when I served the site locally, usually to preview a draft generated with the flag --drafts. Discussion URLs beginning with http://omgitsmgp.com/ were created when GitHub Pages later served the site publicly.

After reading through the Jekyll documentation, I had come up with several working solutions that were bad, but none that were elegant. I then created an issue to request a feature that could enable one elegant solution; its first reply highlighted an oversight in the documentation: Jekyll supports using multiple configuration files. This was now my elegant solution. (A pull request to clarify the documentation has since been merged.)

Using multiple configuration files

By supporting multiple configuration files, Jekyll can use different variables when serving locally or serving publicly. In this case, we want a boolean site variable named enable_disqus to control whether or not Disqus comments are enabled. This variable should be true when serving publicly, and false when serving locally.

My _config.yml file contains the following setting to enable Disqus comments on blog posts:

enable_disqus: true

While my _local_config.yml file contains the following setting to disable these Disqus comments:

enable_disqus: false

In the file _layout/post.html, I conditionally include the Disqus universal code:

{% if site.enable_disqus %}
  <!-- Universal code goes here... -->
{% endif %}

Now when I serve the site locally, I pass the flag --config=_config.yml,_local_config.yml:

jekyll serve --watch --drafts --config=_config.yml,_local_config.yml

When I serve the site locally with this flag, the enable_disqus value of false defined in _local_config.yml overrides the value of true defined in _config.yml. So the Disqus universal code is not included, and no discussion URLs beginning with http://localhost:4000/ can be created. When GitHub Pages serves the site publicly, only _config.yml is used, and so enable_disqus is true. So the Disqus universal code is included, and discussion URLs beginning with http://omgitsmgp.com/ can be created.

In the future I may wish to disable additional features when serving locally while enabling those features when serving publicly, or vice versa. This simply requires defining additional variables in _config.yml and overriding their values in _local_config.yml. An alternative is to define a single variable named serving_publicly, with a value of true in _config.yml and false in _local_config.yml. Then the file _layout/post.html would instead contain:

{% if site.serving_publicly %}
  <!-- Universal code goes here... -->
{% endif %}

From looking at this code, we can now tell that serving publicly enables Disqus. But from looking at _local_config.yml, we can no longer tell what site features are toggled when switching between serving locally and serving publicly. It is a trade-off.

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